The Florida Bar

Florida Bar News

Military law symposium set for January 21

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Military law symposium set for January 21

Brig. Gen. Thomas Hemingway will be the keynote speaker for the 2006 Military Law and Legal Assistance Symposium January 21 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in downtown Miami in association with the Bar’s Midyear Meeting.

The Military Affairs Committee will also present its 2006 Clayton B. Burton Award of Excellence at the event.

The symposium includes a full program of Florida law CLE topics to help practitioners meet the challenge of providing legal service to Florida military personnel and their families. Special attention is given to the needs of military lawyers new to the state. The aim of the program is to bring civilian and military lawyers together to promote cooperation and exchange information and resources.

On Friday, January 20, a no-host cocktail reception is scheduled to offer attendees an opportunity to socialize with speakers, committee members, and other symposium attendees. The cost of attending the symposium including lunch and course materials is $100. For more information contact Maria Simmons Johnson at (800) 342-8060, ext. 5811 or e-mail [email protected].

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