The Florida Bar

Florida Bar News

December 15, 2011 News and Notes

News & Notes

News and Notes

Patricia H. Thompson of Carlton Fields in Miami has been re-elected to the board of directors of the Beacon Council, an economic development organization.

Alexander I. Tachmes of Shutts & Bowen has been elected vice president of the board of governors of the Miami City Ballet.

Carter McDowell of Bilzin Sumberg spoke before the Construction Executives Association on the topic of “Development in Miami-Dade and the Effects of the New Zoning Codes” in Ft. Lauderdale.

John Miller, Rob Anderson, and Shannon Puopolo of Henderson, Franklin, Starnes & Holt in Ft. Myers have been appointed to the Lee County Bar Young Lawyers Division’s board.

Trenton H. Cotney of Glenn Rasmussen Fogarty & Hooker in Tampa has been elected affiliate council representative of the West Coast Roofing Contractors Association for the Florida Roofing, Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors Association.

Tee Persad of the Law Firm CPLS, P.A., in Orlando has been appointed to the advisory boards of Keiser University and Everest University for the 2011-12 business and legal studies departments. Persad also presented the commencement speech to the class of 2011 for Everest University at the November graduation.

Edward M. Ricci of West Palm Beach has been appointed capital campaign chair of Kid Sanctuary Campus.

Steven M. Jaffe of Farmer, Jaffe, Weissing, Edwards, Fistos & Lehrman in Ft. Lauderdale gave the opening remarks and introduction at the “Navigating the Maze: Identifying and Resolving Issues Inherent in the Personal Injury Case for Clients with a Disability or Special Needs” CLE presented by The Law Office of Stephanie L. Schneider, P.A., and National Care Advisors in Ft. Lauderdale.

William J. Simonitsch of K&L Gates in Miami was elected secretary of the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association Board of Governors.

Dustin D.P. Delany of Delany Finisterre, Attorneys-at-Law, of St. Michael, Barbados, presented “The Use of Double Taxation Agreements in the Formation of International Structures” at the FY International Annual Conference in Miami.

Barry Somerstein of Ruden McClosky in Ft. Lauderdale has been appointed president of the Broward Performing Arts Foundation.

David L. Glazer of the Law Offices of Behar, Gutt & Glazer in Boca Raton was a panelist on “Long Term Care Insurance Issues” for the Society of Financial Services Professionals, Palm Beach County Chapter.

Jerald David August of Fox Rothschild in West Palm Beach is serving as conference co-chair of the New York University 70th Institute on Federal Taxation.

Judge Lawrence M. Lefler of Tampa was awarded the Meritorious Service Medal by LTC Patrick N. Leduc, commander 154th Trial Defense Service, for his service in the U.S. Army Reserve.

Nicole K. Atkinson of Gunster in West Palm Beach was appointed co-chair of the Judicial Relations Committee of the Palm Beach County Bar and reappointed as the vice president of the board of directors of the Hospice Foundation of Palm Beach County.

Ellen Morris of Elder Law Associates in Boca Raton presented “Advocating for your Client: Tips on How to Guide Your Clients Most Effectively Through Their Evolving Medical, Social, Legal and Housing Needs” at Aston Gardens in Parkland.

Charles E. Rutherford of Rutherford Mulhall in Boca Raton has been appointed to serve an additional one-year term on the Business Development Board.

Gary M. Farmer, Sr., of Farmer, Jaffe, Weissing, Edwards, Fistos & Lehrman in Ft. Lauderdale was awarded the Florida Justice Association’s Al J. Cone Lifetime Achievement Award.

Joseph H. Varner III of Holland & Knight in Tampa has been elected to the board of directors of Tampa Bay & Company.

Alvin Lindsay of Hogan Lovells in Miami has been named chair of the advisory board of the Association of Certified E-Discovery Specialists.

Mason Binkley of Cole, Scott, and Kissane in Tampa had an article titled “A Loss for Words: ‘Religion’ in the First Amendment” published in the University of Detroit Mercy Law Review. Robert Richter, vice president at SunGard in Jacksonville, has become president of the American Society of Pension Professionals & Actuaries.

Thomas A. Dye of Carlton Fields in West Palm Beach served as a speaker at the IBM IT Services Legal Summit in New York. Dye spoke about trends in “Civil and Criminal Responses to Trade Secret Misappropriation.”

Richard H. Levenstein of Kramer, Sopko & Levenstein in Stuart was elected to the national board of directors of the American Judicature Society.

Jarrett Wolf of The Law Firm of Jarrett Wolf, P.A., in Miami has become licensed as a private investigator in New York. Wolf, already licensed as a private investigator in Florida, focuses his practice on investigations, crisis management, law enforcement consulting, and litigation consulting.

Kenneth J. Sobel of Leopold~Kuvin in Palm Beach Gardens moderated and sat on the legal expert panel at the FJA annual Medical Malpractice Seminar in Miami. The three-part series titled “Masters of Medical Malpractice Roundtable: Confronting New Laws and Hot Issues” addressed the procedural impact of recent legislative changes in the areas of Medicaid caps; medical school immunity, including Shands and UM; and expert witness certification.

Scott J. Topolski of Buckingham, Doolittle & Burroughs in Boca Raton has been named to the West Boca Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors.

Sue-Ann Robinson of Robinson Caddy Law in Ft. Lauderdale spoke on “The Importance of Diversity in the Legal Profession” at the Panel Discussion Diversity Forum for Miami-Dade and Broward County Lawyers and Judges in Ft. Lauderdale.

Judge Cindy Lederman of Miami was an invited lecturer at the Harvard Law School Art of Social Change Program.

Rep. Michelle Rehwinkel Vasilinda, D-Tallahassee, was recognized by the The Florida Consumer Action Network for her work to make energy independence a reality.

Philip F. Nohrr of GrayRobinson in Melbourne has been reappointed to the 18th Circuit Judicial Nominating Commission.

Leonard E. Mondschein of Miami presented “The 10 Biggest Mistakes Made by the Elderly,” at The City of Pinecrest Community Center in Miami.

Jeff Lieser of Lieser & Skaff in Tampa, an Army reservist who recently returned from Iraq where he served as a brigade legal representative in Iraqi courts prosecuting terrorism cases involving attacks against U.S. forces, wrote a letter to the editor on the withdrawal from Iraq that appeared as the “Letter of the Day” in the Sunday Tampa Tribune.

Gerald LeVan of Upchurch Watson White & Max in Daytona Beach presented “Early Resolution of Family Disputes about Money, Business, or Inheritance” as part of ALI-ABA’s continuing education webcast.

A dministrative Law Judge John Newton of Tallahassee served as judge in the mock administrative hearing conducted as part of “Practice Before DOAH” program. Newton also served, along with Administrative Law Judges Bram Canter and June McKinney, on a judge’s panel for “Practice Pointers and Ethical Considerations — Q&A with the DOAH ALJs.”

Jacqueline Calderin of Ehrenstein Charbonneau Calderin in Miami has been appointed to the panel of Chapter 7 Trustees for the Southern District of Florida.

Eugene J. La Neve of Golden & La Neve in Ft. Lauderdale was elected to the board of directors of Florida Lawyer’s Legal Insurance Corporation.

Sandy Upchurch of Upchurch Watson White & Max in Daytona Beach presented “Mediation Advocacy: Preparing Your Team for Mediation” to members of the Orange County Bar Association Paralegal Section.

Angela Vigil of Baker & McKenzie in Miami was recognized by Miami-Dade County Public Defender Carlos J. Martinez for her participation in the Public Defender’s Ensuring Equal Justice Pro Bono Initiative.

Mitchell C. Fogel of Fogel Law Group, Boca Raton was the panelist on the Coleman SBA Webinar “Five Tips to Accelerate the Liquidation of the 504 1st Loan,” where he spoke about the issues, challenges, and strategies to properly and successfully expedite the foreclosure of the 1st loan in an SBA 504 loan situation.

Ron A. Rhoades, program chair of the Financial Planning Program at Alfred State College in Alfred, NY, was named the 2011 “Fiduciary of the Year” by the Committee for the Fiduciary Standard.

Michael S. Orfinger and Gary F. Canner of Upchurch Watson White & Max in Daytona Beach addressed attendees of University of Florida’s Levin College of Law, Institute for Dispute Resolution seminar event “Expanding the Horizons of Mediation.” Orfinger’s presentation title was “The Ethical Negotiator’s Guide to Navigating Rough Seas” and Canner presented “Are You Talkin’ to Me?”

Gregory J. Johansen of Orlando presented “How to Get Paid for Your Work” at the Florida Fire Sprinkler Association annual meeting at Hawks Cay.

Alexander I. Tachmes of Shutts & Bowen in Miami has been appointed to the board of directors and management committee of the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts Trust.

David N. Tolces of Goren, Cherof, Doody and Ezrol in Ft. Lauderdale was a presenter at the Florida Redevelopment Association’s Annual Conference in Orlando. Tolces spoke on “Code Enforcement as a Redevelopment Tool.”

G. Mark Shalloway of Shalloway & Shalloway in West Palm Beach addressed the Special Needs Trust Conference sponsored by the Stetson Law School in Gulfport. Shalloway presented on “Words and Music: Implementing the Words of the Special Needs Trust and Assistive Technology.”

David Adams and Zach Glaser of Sponsler Bennett Jacobs & Adams in Tampa provided labor and employment law updates at Judicial Lunch & Learns for the judges of Hillsborough County and the judges of Pinellas County. Adams and Glaser were also speakers at the All Sixth Circuit Court Supervisor’s Training for Pinellas and Pasco counties.

Robert J. Sniffen of Sniffen & Spellman in Tallahassee served as co-presenter at the Jim Moran Institute’s Straight Up Follow Up Speaker series. His presentation — “Growing Your Business Using Social Media” — focused on the legal implications of social media in the workplace.

Stephen G. Charpentier of Charpentier Law Firm in Melbourne spoke at the Brevard County Paralegal Association dinner meeting. His speech addressed that the paralegal is at the core of the process and must have good problem-solving skills.

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