View from the bench: A call for pro bono in Miami-Dade family law

Gerald Kornreich and Amber Kornreich spearheaded the 39th annual View from Bench Family seminar that recruits pro bono attorneys for Put Something Back pro bono cases.
Dade Legal Aid recently hosted the 39th Annual View from the Bench Family Law Seminar in conjunction with the 11th Judicial Circuit Family Division, and Kornreich & Associates.
“In today’s world, a lawyer has become a luxury that not all litigants can afford. More than ever, we need lawyers to provide pro bono services so that our courts can continue to deliver justice to all,” said 11th Judicial Circuit Chief Judge Nushin G. Sayfie, emphasizing the need for attorneys to take on family and guardian ad litem pro bono cases.
“The judges and magistrates of the 11th Judicial Circuit are so grateful to Put Something Back and to the lawyers of Miami-Dade County for their ongoing commitment to pro bono,” said Chief Judge Sayfie.
Chief Judge Sayfie and Karen Ladis, executive director of Dade Legal Aid/Put Something Back, presented pro bono awards to Madelin Diaz for her outstanding support of Dade Legal Aid, Silvia Perez for 20 years of dedicated service as a Domestic Violence Attorney, and Lisette Sanabria Dede for her dedication and commitment to the View from the Bench. Additionally, Chief Judge Sayfie and Administrative Judge Samantha Ruiz Cohen presented the 2024 Ray Pearson Outstanding “GAL” Award to Patricia Mesa.
Kornreich & Associates partner Amber Kornreich and Gerald I. Kornreich, the firm’s founder, also addressed attendees.
“This program has successfully recruited thousands of attorneys over the years, empowering them to handle pro bono family and guardian ad litem cases. It is a testament to our shared commitment to ensuring access to justice for families in need,” said Gerald Kornreich, who has served as the event’s dedicated moderator and organizer for nearly four decades.
The seminar, which brought together judges, attorneys, and legal professionals to discuss issues and emerging trends in family law, provided training to over 120 attorneys, equipping them to meet the growing demand for pro bono legal representation in family law cases across Miami-Dade County.
Presenters included Administrative Judge Samantha Ruiz Cohen, Associate Administrative Judge Victoria del Pino, Associate Administrative Judge George Sarduy, Judge Veronica Diaz, and Judge Marlene Fernandez-Karavetsos. Topics included conversations about professionalism in courtroom proceedings, updated time standards in family cases, motions for temporary relocation, and laying the foundation for bank records. The seminar also included a presentation on relevant case law and legislative updates by Maria C. Gonzalez, along with remarks from Miami-Dade Bar President Charise Morgan on the importance of service.
The View from the Bench Seminar was free for all attorneys who agreed to accept a family law case from Dade Legal Aid’s Put Something Back Project. It was sponsored by First Family Inns of Court, Kornreich & Associates, and Pablo Gomez, CDRE.
For more information about the seminar, contact [email protected]. To accept a pro bono family case, contact [email protected].