The Florida Bar

Florida Bar News

Volusia County has a judicial opening


Florida courtsGov. Ron DeSantis has requested that the Seventh Circuit Judicial Nominating Commission convene for the purpose of selecting and submitting a list of highly qualified lawyers for appointment to the Volusia County Court.

This appointment will fill a vacancy created by the elevation of Judge A. Christian Miller to the circuit bench.

The Seventh Circuit JNC will accept applications until 5 p.m. EST on Monday, Febryary 10. The interview date and location shall be published by separate notice.

Applicants must meet the qualifications for county court judges as described in Article V, Section 8 of the Florida Constitution. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered.

Applications must be delivered by email to Chair Travis Mydock, at [email protected].

The current version of the application (“Judicial Appointment Application 2022”) is available at:

To be considered, an applicant must deliver the following by email:

  • A .pdf version of the complete application with all attachments; and
  • A .pdf redacted version of the complete application with all attachments, excluding all exempt information under Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, or other applicable law.

A complete application shall include: a signed Certificate, Financial History, notarized Form 6, Judicial Application Data Record, FDLE form, a writing sample, and a current color photograph. All questions in the application must be answered fully and completely. Applicants must include current contact information for all judges, co-counsel, opposing counsel, and references to facilitate the background investigation. Each .pdf file should be titled so that the applicant’s full name and “original” or “redacted” is readily apparent before opening the attachment. The application and all attachments should be combined into a single .pdf file.

All proceedings of the Seventh Circuit Judicial Nominating Commission are open to the public, except for deliberations. Applicants should expect that their application will not remain confidential.

Members of the judiciary, Bar, and public are encouraged to contact the commission regarding any applicant for judicial appointment. All written correspondence regarding an applicant should be sent by email to Chair Mydock, at [email protected]. The chair will disseminate all information to the Commission.

Applicants in need of guidance should direct inquires to the chair by email. The list of current members of the Seventh Circuit Judicial Nominating Commission follows:

Travis Mydock (chair)

Terrence White (vice chair)

Casey Arnold

Geremy Gregory

Kelly Parsons Kwiatek

Andrew Morgan

John Reid

Anna Shea

Erica Tesh White

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