Westheimer pledges to support the sections and work to assist the membership
The core mission of The Florida Bar is to regulate the practice of law and plans are in the works to analyze and enhance that system, which is already one of the best in the nation. That’s the massage President-elect Scott Westheimer had for those attending the Section Leadership Conference Wednesday at the Annual Convention in Boca Raton. The Bar also has created two new committees to assist its members — the Board Committee on Artificial Intelligence Tools & Resources and a Standing Committee on Cybersecurity and Privacy Law. Westheimer said the AI Committee will look holistically at the impact IA has on the profession and will recommend any needed changes in real time. The cybersecurity panel will develop resources for members to better achieve “cyber-resiliency,” and educate the membership on how cybersecurity impacts legal ethics. The Bar also plans to roll out a free comprehensive cloud-based trust accounting solution this year. Westheimer also told the section leaders that the Bar sections are the “backbone” of everything the Bar does and pledged to support their work.