YLD promotes a balanced life
THE YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION partnered with the Florida Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism for a panel discussion with Florida State University law students on balancing law and life. Sponsored by the YLD Law Student Division and held in the newly renovated Historic Courtroom (previously the First District Court of Appeal) at the FSU College of Law, the panel featured Judge Stephanie Ray of the First DCA; Sean Desmond, president of the YLD; Renee Thompson, immediate past-president of the YLD; Nancy Benavides, associate dean for student affairs at FSU College of Law; and Ben Gibson of ILoveLaw School.com. “This is the first effort in what we are hoping will be reproduced at each law school each year going forward,” said Desmond. Future events will follow an “Adopt a Law School” approach in which members of the commission travel throughout the state and speak to students in the second semester of their first year in law school and discuss how to start balancing their lives to become more productive, healthy, and happy. Pictured from the left are Desmond and Jim Floyd of Tallahassee, a former chair of the Standing Committee on Professionalism.